And that's okay. For us at Decoupling what truly matters to the user to what you're so fired up about. Move Accounting W. Move Sales A. Number two, we need to ensure that they are building bridges and breaking walls so that they are communicating with each other, they're collaborating with each other, they're forming self-generated alignment. The sacrifices I think are what's hard. Hope you enjoy it. Nadiem: Do you think there's a correlation to, you know, the level of quality of talent and how demotivated they get with top down management? I'm thinking what's next? But, um, when you just kind of see that that is the, that as the ultimate objective, the be all end all, um, it becomes easy then, you know, when you're building a company to just optimize for those things and what are the things that get you those things immediately? Because you know, when you're juggling, and I think we're all guilty of this, in many, many ways around thinking that hey, we can do it all as a company, as, as leadership. That's a really simple but very difficult thing to achieve. Were now talking 100 million orders a day. We all do our bit to make sure its transparent and open to innovation. Like, oh, we didn't know, uh, this team that's suffering on the ground because of this problem. Like what should they do and, and what would you give them credit for? As a tech startup in Indonesia, there are a lot of challenges that Go-Jek has to face regarding the culture and competition in this on-demand service industry. So I think that would be my one. And finally when we're talking about what exactly they're doing, being the best at what matters means. I haven't gone home since like two days. Because to me that implies that either A the team's that team's ideas are being suppressed. You don't have a top down a way of working. Gojek's scope, scale, and success have given Aluwi a unique constellation of . Right. Right. So make those painful moves early. Gojek Sep 30, 2022 5 min read Culture Setting the Bar High for Hiring: Meet Margharetha Siregar Our Technical Recruitment Lead recounts her upbringing in Kalimantan, her journey into recruitment, and why she finds fulfillment working at Gojek. And thats the essence of working in a a dynamic engineering org like GO-JEK. You're great for short term. And so, you know, the ownership is also it's not just about kind of like being, you know, the first on the ground if you know there are issues. And it doesn't have to be me who's like more on the end of the entrepreneurial scale. Gojek is founded on the principle of using technology to remove life's daily frictions by connecting consumers to the best providers of goods and services in the market. Kevin: Yeah. I don't know exactly why I'm doing all this stuff. Right? Where do you draw the balance of this bottom up? Oh. And it just shows that there, there are some of these like achiever showers or, uh, you know, uh, leaders that yes, they do, they hit those milestones, but at what cost? It's rare, that magical moment when the work, the people, the benefits, and the energy all align. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. Because you understand the whole logic of like, why you made these decisions. Because they're closer to the problems. Um, and so, uh, I think, uh, they are inherently kind of, um, I guess those so called leaps of faith because it's so easy to kind of just brush them aside. It defines and creates a unique environment to work in. And that just doesn't work. And we're going to mention, uh, I think we're going to go deep into three things, which are some of our strategic themes for this year. Um, let's, let's ignore all of these. "gojek is a pioneering technology company with an extensive ecosystem of 18 diverse services, backed by a strong group of strategic investors. Um, that process not involving your one downs in that process is basically the first, it's like the original sin. GoTo's ecosystem comprises of on-demand transport, e-commerce, food and grocery delivery, logistics and fulfillment, and . Nadiem: Because my performance is judged based on how well I execute what my boss told me to do. Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. Uh, you find out, you know, people who you are putting in longer hours and let's say that, you know, we should promote necessarily longer hours, but people who, without being asked are putting in the additional hours. You say, yeah, that's, you know, I'm going to solve it. Nadiem: Yeah, we can go on for hours about this. This is a highly collaborative work environment where every individual is valued and communication is a top priority. What we did was we invited all the groups together so that peers could challenge and review and we had a whole section of how they can help the issues that they can help with for other groups. Nadiem: Well did I think, I think we've covered a lot of ground here. Right? Build shared values. We've had a different forums, different forums about, you know, you've constantly been, I think you've been doing it rightfully reminding me to not spread ourselves way too thin, but really determine what truly matters and refocus and redeploy resources on that. For any roles in Engineering, Design or Product Management, visit And instead of creating very, very prescriptive, a key results, we just combine those seven metrics with some strategic themes, three of which we're discussing today in this podcast. And I think the good sign of a bottom up leader is one that is secure in knowing that their job is to provide the platform and distill from their team, you know, the best ideas. And what we did in 2019 is that we reduced it to seven basically. You can then bring your solution. Yeah. But it's how far are you willing to go to kind of make that happen? But, um, I think we really have to be almost obsessed with like infusing that in different parts of the company. There are a trove of new projects both teams are cooking up. Right. Yeah. Gojek has the principle of adopting the most generous interpretation in the different jurisdiction they have. Corporate culture is often referred to as "the character of an organization," representing the collective behavior of people using common corporate vision, goals, shared values, attitudes, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. Kevin: Right. Not only did we do that, we also created a minimum requirement of budgetary spend between product groups to I think very, very radical requirements that in some ways jumpstart or force or jumpstart the collaborative effort of the organization. And the third theme is about building bridges and breaking walls within the organization, which is about alignment and communication. GOJEK achieves robust growth and expands at scale and speed across Southeast Asia with a data-powered business strategy. We need to tap into the collective creativity and power of our teams. And its not just me, most of us at GO-JEK will have a similar answer. Move Engineering, Merchant EcoSys. Hmm. Jun 6, 2022. In a hyper-growth organization like GO-JEK, technology plays a vital role. And the reason why is because as the company grows, the level of complexity is so high. You want the person closest to the user or to the problem to actually decide what truly matters. Like, like everyone will agree that yes, absolutely we should do that. Primary Focus: Mentorship and teamwork. Um, and it's out of our control, right? Kevin: Yeah. Series A funding flows in. Researchers - Global UXAlliance, Usaria, and Somia CX. So there's all these factors, but overall, as a general characteristic, some of the things that even I struggle with, by the way, so I'm not saying I, yeah, I'm very good at this as well. GO FIGURE is a podcast dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the emerging world. The Dynamic Culture (DC) team, headed by Sam Diah, had never encountered such an emergency. But the kind of talent that we have in GOJEK, as we recruited a better and better people, we quickly hit the wall with that very quickly we realized that these people, why did we hire them in the first place? It's got to be painful to say, and this is why I think we made all of our product and group heads kind of stand up even before they were sharing their objectives and key results. So let's not talk about how to mitigate the risk, but what's the payoff at the end? But in the bigger scheme of things, it's not what truly matters to their end user. Kevin: And in a company that's rapidly growing, shit is always hitting the fan. Nadiem: Right. Through a divisional approach, the departments are grouped by-products. We've run out of time, but you know, we could go on for hours about. At GO-JEK, to overcome this, we encourage regular, short term movements from one team to another. Do you understand what the objective was? Being given that freedom to even as an individual contributor to kind of figure it out and actually deliver something great, I think is definitely the kind of people that, you know, we try and have more and more of and we just kind of people that we want to appreciate because of, through this policy. And then I left after a while, right? Is it really like what do you get? They just had a way or a means to communicate through bottom up. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2009 di Jakarta oleh Nadiem Makarim. OKRs are Objectives, Key Results. Because the whole point about having a sustainable long term business is having a critical mass of people who can lead. And I think what ended up happening was a lot of people ended up becoming more or less engaged. Right? I can't, I can't tell you how many times. Everyone, you know, media is writing about, look at all this amazing stuff. But the reason why we believe in them is because for the parts of the units of the organization that we did apply these principles. Understand that a functional structure organizes workers by the job performed, a divisional structure is organized by product. I think just forcing, just saying that, hey, collaborate more without it being bottom up I think probably makes top down worse, right? Here's how organizational culture might have been handled in the past: The CEO commissions the Human Resources department to produce an effective company culture. Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. I think actually these two parts or these two themes actually almost go hand in hand in that sense. So this is one of the most fascinating discoveries that I had is that actually cascading KPIs. For me I always find it non ideal when I work with somebody who I know has, you know, several direct reports and if I work closely with them if I never kind of, you know, if I never really hear either directly from or at least a mention of, you know, somebody else's, um, really significant contribution to the team that's a flag for me. But I think really having that mindset of being, thinking about, you know, what are the things that really matter and what are the things that don't matter, even though I kind of feel like I should be doing them right? And I think that's very important to him to codify it. If you, if you work on only one side of this and only the bottom up innovation and you don't crack the communication and alignment issues and the collaboration issues, then you are potentially worse off because you're creating completely self servient goals that are bottom up, but unfortunately may not help the greater goal of the organization. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Di antaranya : 1. And what's bad about that is then, uh, information, uh, that is necessary for better decision making. Right? Gojek and Tokopedia unite to form GoTo, the largest tech group in Indonesia and the go to ecosystem for daily life. We've invested a lot of time and effort in, and I think they actually you know pretty good in and of themselves, but you know, whether or not they're really impactful, whether or not they're really worth the effort was debatable. But these apps that connect drivers to passengers are creating competition for established. This has been a contentious kind of battle. Many companies seek to create cultures that are productive and foster a positive work environment. Top down isn't about being a, uh, you know, like a tyrant. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. A Trusted Advisor. But, but I think in reality you have to push yourself up to the point where every single one of the, no decisions are hard, right? 1. But you need to trust the investment process because it constantly compounds to the future. Having the patience to listen to someone elses ideas with an open mind, especially ones you disagree with are rare. There was less lack of clarity in what product teams need to prioritize because their leader's just prioritize for them or we prioritize a for them. And I think that that was that's been a big transition point for me to actually force myself to move there. From the land of Jakarta - 20 motorcycle taxis, 1 call centre, and a mission to remove friction from peoples lives. If we're just going to tell them what to do. How well and how quickly can I do it? And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? Nadiem: They don't count. Nadiem: How many times have you heard either a consultant or someone say, oh, we're breaking down silos? Creating a verbal communication ritual, uh, sharing a problem and resisting sharing the solution until all parties have spoken in your team. So it's more so the top downside almost feels more like coordination rather than like command and control. Right. GoTo Group is the largest digital ecosystem in Indonesia, with a mission to "empower progress" by offering technology infrastructure and solutions that help everyone to access and thrive in the digital economy. To the point of what's sustainable. You can't just, you can't just throw it out there. Perusahaan teknologi yang sudah sangat dikenal ini percaya bahwa bekerja secara produktif dan serius tidak harus mengenakan jas rapi. Inovasi, adanya keyakinan seleuruh insane gojek untuk bisa, can do attitude, berimprovisasi, mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda dan berpikir . And, and because you also understand the decision making that goes into, into that, um, you are also much better at problem solving, right? Ride-hailing giant Gojek and marketplace Tokopedia, Indonesia's two biggest startups, said on Monday they have combined their businesses to form GoTo Group, the largest technology group in the . Because it's easy to say, oh, those things don't matter and it's easy. What do you think is the ultimate sacrifice? Like usually the, what I've realized is that the more talented a person is their level of disillusionment when they hit that kind of top down mindset without actually being able to air or voice their opinion effectively enough and guide the direction of whatever scope they're doing is even more cataclysmic for great talent. We got Nadiem and Kevin again, that's right on Go Figure podcast. The other is fear. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. If you kind of look at the universe of companies. And I think it's easy to kind of get into that, uh, into that mode and yeah. So you have to have targets at the top and everything has to be MC, the middle layer has to contribute to the top layer. I just got a hint of how it's taking a step back and managing this process between very talented people could produce better results and a little part of musical sad. Like, I mean, growing up I think we all were, and then, and, kids who probably question authority. And you saw that even in our, in our core product group, a session where everyone was like typing questions and challenges online. Sense-making has been. Yeah. This thing that I've been doing for a while actually doesn't really matter. Bridges. Gojek has raised a total of $5.3B in funding over 13 rounds. There are very, very many good benevolent dictators in tech companies out there, right? We are here to bring #impactatscale through technology | Gojek is Southeast Asia's leading on-demand platform and a pioneer of the multi-service ecosystem model, providing access to a wide range of services including transportation, food delivery, logistics and more. Gojek adalah grup teknologi terkemuka di Asia Tenggara, dan pelopor aplikasi super terintegrasi dan model ekosistem. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. Uh, yeah. Then you know, it's kind of hard being in a tech company. Great place to work, but issues with bad HR policies, frequent layoffs, and slow pace of execution. So what I've realized is that the best bottom up leaders will never do that. The level of interdependency is so high is that you have to be a creative problem solver in order to be an effective leader. [1] Um, I think it's very easy to fall in love with, you know, your solutions and your ideas or the things that you know, you particularly good at or you've, what you've been doing for a while. Right. For us, it is about distributing ownership to everyone in the team. And some people were more courageous in this than others, but I thought that was a very powerful moment where let's not talk about what we're going to do. You don't say, oh, that's not my problem. People without ego are a luxury in the current times. Yeah, just can't do everything. Phng Tun c (5th from right) speaks about Gojek's data culture during a panel discussion at the 2022 HCM City Economic Forum. Right. Google. Kevin: Well, I think a few things, right? This isnt to say that we dont disagree like any group of passionate, opinionated people, we disagree often. So that's where the challenge I think is also kind of getting the incentives. We really love innovation. Uh, but then it just didn't, it, it didn't matter. Like I think maybe bottom up innovation is a very specific one. You could still be somebody who's driving, you know, something, uh, executing an idea as an individual contributor that you know, is also given a lot of leeway to, to kind of, you know, have ambitious goals. Enter food delivery, ticket bookings, and more. That's a really hard thing to save for I would say anyone. Category - Community and Industry Engagement. Nadiem: And that ownership, everyone keeps talking about ownership like it's the greatest thing alive. And getting feedback from people about that. Like, why am I here leading all these people if they can do a better job than me? The Culture Design Canvas is the #1 tool to map the current culture of an organization and design the future state. Nadiem: but that's the difference, right? Right. Motto: "We're all in this together.". But you know with all great things, I think we've come to two kind of conclusions. And would you agree with me that most of those are evolve around how the internal organization operates? 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gojek organizational culture